Reflecting on this Semester
It's already the end of year, and this is our last blog ever for this semester (I think)
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Man, it's been a great semester overall because this being my first semester at college has me loving going to school rather than being home and doing nothing productive. The professors that I have are all chill. Maybe it's because they know they are mostly dealing with freshman but I believe that as we progress and advance in our education, our classes will be more rigorous and the workload will be much greater.
I know that they are redesigning the whole ASI student union building and adding new restaurants, a pub, and sleeping pods so I am totally looking forward to that when they begin reconstructing next year. The food was alright especially in the Warrior grill but when you're hungry you're gonna eat lol.
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The schedule was good because one day I wake up early and the next day I don't so I do not show up to school tired. One of the experiences I am going to miss the most is having tournaments at the game room playing Call of Duty or Super Smash Bros. and smashing everyone lol even though I am not the best player in video games. I am going to miss my tennis class because that was the funnest class I had because tennis is great and who does not love tennis?
Overall I am going to miss the small classroom environments that I had in my English, Tennis, and Public speaking class and having discussions. I wish I could cover more topics on my blog but because I do not know everyone that is in my English class I will not be covering all topics until I feel comfortable to do them lol.
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I will not miss paying for school and for my books and scan trons because that sucks! Also my parking permit I will not miss paying for but I gotta do what I gotta do! The campus is really beautiful btw.
What really stood out to me this whole semester were the friendships that I have made in every class that I am in except my History and Government class because those are huge classes with a lot of students in them. This was a first great semester at CSU Stan and I hope that I will see and make more new friends this next coming semester.
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