Monday, November 21, 2016

The Last Blog

Reflecting on this Semester

It's already the end of year, and this is our last blog ever for this semester (I think)

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Man, it's been a great semester overall because this being my first semester at college has me loving going to school rather than being home and doing nothing productive. The professors that I have are all chill. Maybe it's because they know they are mostly dealing with freshman but I believe that as we progress and advance in our education, our classes will be more rigorous and the workload will be much greater. 

I know that they are redesigning the whole ASI student union building and adding new restaurants, a pub, and sleeping pods so I am totally looking forward to that when they begin reconstructing next year. The food was alright especially in the Warrior grill but when you're hungry you're gonna eat lol. 

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The schedule was good because one day I wake up early and the next day I don't so I do not show up to school tired. One of the experiences I am going to miss the most is having tournaments at the game room playing Call of Duty or Super Smash Bros. and smashing everyone lol even though I am not the best player in video games. I am going to miss my tennis class because that was the funnest class I had because tennis is great and who does not love tennis? 

Overall I am going to miss the small classroom environments that I had in my English, Tennis, and Public speaking class and having discussions. I wish I could cover more topics on my blog but because I do not know everyone that is in my English class I will not be covering all topics until I feel comfortable to do them lol. 

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I will not miss paying for school and for my books and scan trons because that sucks! Also my parking permit I will not miss paying for but I gotta do what I gotta do! The campus is really beautiful btw.

What really stood out to me this whole semester were the friendships that I have made in every class that I am in except my History and Government class because those are huge classes with a lot of students in them. This was a first great semester at CSU Stan and I hope that I will see and make more new friends this next coming semester.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Veterans Day

Thank You Veterans 

They rarely ever get recognized except this time of the year.  

Most of us sometimes are not even grateful for the freedoms that we have today and that we can enjoy today. It saddens me how we act as if our freedom doesn't come at a cost  and can act like spoiled brats with our freedom. Many people from other countries wish they had the freedom that we have here in the United States and are trying to get here. If any veteran reads this blog, (which I doubt will lol)  thank you for your service and for risking your life for our freedom.

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This last Sunday our church hosted a veteran service which we honored all veterans from the Vietnam War all the way into the Iraq war. Despite the controversies from the wars, we were still grateful that they fought with purpose for this country.  I saw the faces of the veterans and you could see that they've gone through a lot. It is said that many of them come back with post war diseases and disabilities that did not allow them to live a life full of enjoyment after. Their minds are troubled and cannot sometimes even sleep at night especially for the 4th of July.

Imagine what the spouse has to go through? Dealing with the pain that their spouse will not return the same or worse, will not return back to their children. I have mad respect for veterans because of what they put themselves through for the national security of this country. 

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If you see a veteran, say thank you because you never know what they go through everyday. Who knows, maybe they come back with no house or are disabled and can't get a job. I hope we can appreciate these men and women who have given their lives for this country and for our freedoms.

Thank you veterans

May God bless you & God bless America 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Election Day

'Merican Election 

I really really really really really really really really hate politics with a weird passion. I like discussing politics but I hate that I do in general. Why? Because politics is so divisive and it can break or make new friendships. Like I have this friend on Facebook that is a big ol Trump supporter after Ted Cruz decided to not continue running for president. However, there are some people that cannot handle other people's opinions. One guy commented, "Dude, are you really a Trump Supporter? Just unfriend me now" and then my friend commented "Done". Like wow, I thought people would be tolerant of other people's opinions. 

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I honestly cannot wait until this election cycle is over because everything from my IG, Facebook, and even YouTube is filled with people mocking presidential candidates especially Donald Trump. I also noticed that many of my friends on Facebook are very political when you would think that they're not into politics! Man, was I wrong

I personally do not care for who you vote for but other people who passionately hate Donald Trump cannot stand someone who supports Trump. What makes me so mad is that on YouTube there has been videos posted of people causing chaos and fighting people all cause they hate Trump. There was a Trump rally in San Jose and man, people that were trying to leave the parking garage and that were Trump supporters were being harassed, punched, kicked, and their cars were being scratched, kicked, puncturing wheels. My response to this is "Animals." Despite these people being of Hispanic and Black descent, I do not agree nor do I condone this mob minded behavior. I thought that Hillary & Bernie supporters would be the peace type of people, but man was I wrong. (This isn't to say that Trump supporters are always peaceful because Trump supporters can get violent as well) I found out that it was quite the opposite. 

There was also an instance where a homeless woman was protecting Trump's star in Hollywood's hall of fame after being destroyed and crowds of people were bullying here and taking her stuff that she had. It honestly broke my heart and pissed me off that people could be so intolerant. I hate race baiting politics as well which is politics where if I am of one race, I have to agree with the majority of my races opinions. So for example, a black person does not support black lives matter is a bigot and a deplorable.
Honestly guys, what I am trying to say is that we are in college and don't be acting like savages if you do not agree with someone politically. It is a sign of immaturity and you look like a 5 year old. Don't waste your parents money and governments aid to act like an intolerant 20 year old who acts like you're 10. Please. We can do this in a civil manner. As for now however, go out and vote tomorrow! I'll link the video of the homeless lady being attacked by a group of people:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

So recently I started reading a book called The Art of Manliness by Brett McKay and his wife Kate McKay. I am almost finished with the book but do I gotta say that it is a really good book. The book basically teaches men how to behave like men in the public sphere, how to dress for certain occasions, how to  do things that gentlemen used to do back in the good old days like shave with a straight razor. How to treat the ladies, asking them on a date with flowers, how to be an awesome dad. It's a great book and I recommend all young men read this book if you want a happy girlfriend! :) 

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When I was reading it also talked about chivalry, like opening a door for a young lady, making sure that if a girl is standing up when a guy is sitting down, to give up his seat until the young lady has sat. Like the subtitle of the book states, to give class skills and manners to the modern man that maybe does not practice these anymore. We do not see old school chivalry in our days anymore because I feel that we have become a society that is purely individualistic. In these days however, families were more happy than ever and girls were treated with respect and both men and women treated themselves with respect. We look at ourselves now, we treat each other like a commodity rather than a human being. We have both girls and boys not having class nor etiquette because they do not care. I really wished that I could live in post World War  2 America or basically when men could treat women with respect. 

I know that due to today's progressive attitude that women are now independent and do not need  a man to open their door for them or let them sit down first, could make it very difficult for a young man trying to be chivalrous. So with that being said, I know it is hard for us young men to start breaking our individualistic habits and start being more chivalrous but in the long run, your girlfriend and future wife will treat you with more respect and love you a lot more.

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Honestly, if you are a girl reading this blog, how could you not like to be treated with dignity and respect? How could you not like to be coated with a sweater when it's cold outside and you have no jacket? How could you not like your door to be opened for you? How could you not like someone who has classy style and behaves like a gentlemen?

Either way, the book is really good and has images so it's good for visual learners! It's like 15 bucks on Amazon but a really good read! Alright gentlemen, go out and be men today!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Why I Love Free Speech

Free Speech in College 

I believe in Free speech.

I believe that the first amendment of the United States Constitution is still relevant today regardless of what is being said. It is a freedom that many people in their countries throughout the world wished they had so they could criticize their government and criticize ideas that probably do not make sense. 
Typically, you would think that in the most prestigious universities that Free Speech would be protected and upheld, but that is usually not the case and it is a sad thing. 

Now attending CSU Stanislaus for two months already, I could not help but notice that on few campus classrooms that there are "safe spaces." To me, it does not make sense because we are adults in colleges and there are safe spaces? For what exactly? 

Sometimes people need safe spaces so they will not have to hear words that are offensive and/or controversial, sometimes to the persons beliefs, religion, and political party affiliation. My reaction to this is, ARE YOU 10 YEARS OLD? Do you really need a safe space so words will not hurt your fragile mind? ARE WE IN FREAKING CHILD DAYCARE? No, we are in college and this is the place where an individual is supposed to talk about ideas and controversies. 

The sad thing in college campuses is also that many students and faculty will censor someone who speaks against political correctness or has an opposing point of view from the majority of students. Literally, some schools have free speech zones because "Words Hurt" acting like college babies. 
For example, If I were to speak out against Black Lives Matter, Abortion, or Same Sex Marriage in the school grounds, the Student Government and the School would not give me a platform to discuss these issues and would censor my speech and go talk about it elsewhere. It is a sad reality that even prestigious institutions like Harvard have free speech limitations.

Of course I understand where there should be limitations like at a funeral or a ceremony and protesting but man, come on. We are in college and we should have the most free speech. I love criticizing and talking about bad ideas in public, but to silence someone because they have an opposing point of view? That's tyranny lol. 

Here, I'll leave a few links about free speech and limitations in college:

Monday, October 17, 2016



One of few things in life that I really dislike about millennials in this generation is that we lack respect. We lack respect in a few aspects of life for example, we do not have respect for ourselves, we do not respect elders, and we do not respect our parents.

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When we were younger, we were most likely to respect our parents and ourselves and be on the look out for them. As we grow older, our hormones are all over the place and some of us can get ticked off by our parents telling us to do simple chores like doing the dishes or vacuuming. I understand that sometimes we get lazy and do not want to do it, but that gives us no right and an excuse to scream and get mad at our parents. First of all, our parents look out for us by feeding us, giving us clothes, and a place to sleep. Even if they don't provide 2 of those three things, that still gives us no right to disrespect them and belittle them. They do not deserve that attitude. They shed blood, tears, and endured pain that we may have caused them. I bet that when we would grow up, we do not want our children to treat us like that. We only have our parents for a few decades and then they are gone. Let's not leave on a bad note and let's ask them for forgiveness and move on and have respect for them. It's something that is not taught anymore and sometimes the parents don't do anything about a child's behavior. We are not entitled to anything but are in debt with our parents because they took care of us first and loved us first. I hope that with this short blog, we can change the way young people treat their parents because it's lack of respect and completely selfish. Don't be that college student lol. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Man of your Word

 Man of your Word 

Let's take the phrase, "I love you". If I were to ask young people if when they say that phrase, if they actually mean it. I would assume that I would get a 50% response of yes, and a 50% response of no. Why have we demeaned our own words? In other words, why do our words not mean anything to us? 
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People who are married know that communication is a vital trait to have when one wants to have a successful marriages. Friendships know that through communication, honesty is also a really important trait to have to have a successful marriage. Why is it though, that when we say we are going to do something, we do not put much thought into it and maybe even not do it in general? Even when it came out of our very own mouths? For example, let's say a friend tells me that he will meet me at Jack in the Box at 7pm. I get there at 6:30pm being really early, and it is 7:20 and my friend has not shown up. Then at 7:30 he texts me that he will not be able to make it after all. How will that make me feel? It would make me feel bad right? It would make me say  "What the heck?" right? It's not right. Don't be that person that is not a man of your word. Don't be that person who says they are going to do something and then not do it after all. First of all, it makes you look like a complete jerk, and ruins your credibility in future events. Now the next time my friend tells me to meet me at McDonald's, I am probably going to make up an excuse not to go unless he gains my trust. If you don't want people to do it to you, don't do it to them. It is better to say no and be direct than to leave a friend hanging. Be a legitimate friend and most of all be honest. If you say you are going to do something, follow through with your word and your actions by doing what you said you would do. Believe me, people will trust you more and your friendship and relationship will mean that much more when someone is a man of their word. 

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"Let your yes be a yes, and your no be a no..." - Matthew 5:37

After next week, I will not have anything else to talk about, so are there any suggestions on what I should write about? Or my opinions on a subject? I know no one really cares lol, I just want something to write about since it is a blog. Thanks!